Empowering Your Business Through Expert Franchise Development

Franchise Your Business

-A World of Opportunity

Three Major Goals of Franchising Your Business

  • Complete the registration process without major delays.

  • Implement methods to train, track, and support the franchise network.

  • Establish a strong market for the franchise business after registration.

how We Franchise Your Business

The journey of franchising your business does not have to be daunting, but it does have to be properly planned.

International Quest Franchising (“IQ Franchising”) works with you to:

  • Develop a franchise model that expresses your business’ common language

  • Customize your operations for franchising (lean focused)

We build franchise systems designed to:

  • Effectively grant franchises

  • Efficiently train franchisees (franchisee guidance, governance and oversight)

  • Accelerate franchisee deployment & growth

  • Enhance your competitive edge

IQ Franchising helps you create a high performance franchise model!

Optimizing Resources –

Effective Project Portfolio Management to Launch Your Franchise Model

Business initiatives must be planned and executed. Together, we will create a roadmap to build your franchise model based on the structure of the business systems, staffing, and resources. These factors will dictate the types of projects we will initiate.

IQ Franchising helps you create an environment for success. We implement the proper tools and techniques to optimize your departmental designs and system developments to achieve franchising growth and success. We consider the company’s capability and capacity when developing effective strategies to manage these projects.

IQ Fanchising works with you to design foundational systems that will evolve over time as departments specialize. Your franchise support team will develop a training rhythm for accelerating franchisee success, your operations team will become skilled at managing a growing franchise network, and, if in-house, your sales team will become versed in properly identifying good franchise candidates.

IQ Franchising works with you to address priority issues up front, and plan for areas that take time to develop, so capital needs are properly focused.

Starting Your Franchising Transformation

IQ Franchising takes a project-based approach to developing your franchise system. Our initial focus revolves around your established processes, and addressing any gaps to achieve your franchising goals. We evaluate your current team, tools, and techniques, and inputs and outputs. We work with you to formulate a plan to launch your franchise model, and work side by side with you to put it into effect.

IQ Franchising helps you develop and evolve the departments, systems, and supply chains that are necessary for franchising success! We help you prevent silo departmental behavior, promoting horizontal process thinking and acting that run throughout your organization- a process focused on your core values and customers.

Are You Ready to Rapidly Expand?

Rapid expansion into untapped markets, local market insights, disbursed risks, and multiple revenue streams – That’s what franchising offers-A World of Opportunity!

Our mission

Empowering small business growth through franchising - creating great communities everywhere!

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